
语录 > 高分作文 > 导航




There was another heavy rain this morning. I watched the rain through the window at home. The "rustling" sound of raindrops falling on the grass is just matched with the "Ding Dong" sound of raindrops falling into the river. The grass and flowers are full of water, and look up. There is a scene of "flowers blooming like grass" everywhere. But I think that no matter how beautiful it is, it"s just like the wicker!



I have a great dream, is to be a policeman.

I dream all want to be a police, now social bad too much, I watched TV on the police, they caught the thief takes great effort to catch, but some of the police for the money, put the bad guys sneak out, or not to catch the bad guys, let the bad guys run amok in the outside, so now for the bad guys, courage is more and more big, the society is very unsafe.

I want to be a police, have a sense of justice a real police. From now on I will exercise more, practice have to stick the body, I have to study hard all kinds of knowledge, the criminal investigation of more reading, I also want to learn computer knowledge, grasp the bad guys with the network knowledge. If I when the police, I must be strict with myself, all the bad guys are caught, and put them in the tube so tight, finally put their education into a good man, let the world be in peace; I also want to actively help people with difficulties, to serve the people, let the world filled with love.

I hope my dream will soon realize, that our living environment can be more harmonious happy.













“A、B、C、D、E……”“咦,这是谁在学英语呀?声音咋这么 熟悉呢? ”我推开家门一看,只见客厅的餐桌上堆满了厚厚的书.妈妈正坐在椅子上认真地读着英语单词。“妈妈,我回来了。”我边说边走进自己的小天地,等着妈妈收拾桌子盛饭给 我吃,可是妈妈仍坐在那儿念念有词。“唉!走火入魔了。”我轻轻地嘀咕了一 声。过会儿再说吧!拿出作业做了起来。作 业写好了,抬头一看,不得了,都一点钟了,我一点半还得上 课呢,看看妈妈,她像个木头人似的,只有眼睛、嘴在动。唉! 还是自己盛饭吃吧。

我来到厨房,把所有的锅碗都掀了个遍,天啊,竟连一粒 饭、一滴汤都没有找到。我只好吃了几片饼干和一个冷馒头 就去上学了。一连几天,我和爸爸成了家务代理人。

第五天,我放学回到家。天哪!凡是我能看到的物品上 都出现了它们的英文名字。我在屋里转了一圏,嘿!整个儿 一个英语王国。这时,妈妈出现在我的面前,自豪地说:“怎 么样,布置得还不错吧?这样学英语可就方便多了,以后你们 也不要做我的家务代理人了 。”说完,她乐呵呵地背着英语单词走进厨房。

于是,我又吃上了美味可口的饭菜。嗯!这样对我学英 语也有好处……我边吃饭边想,心里对妈妈的敬佩之情油然而生。


My new deskmate is a boy of sixteen. His name is Zhang Gao. He is 1.8 meters tall. His strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. He has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. It seems that they are always smiling at you. Compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. He speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. However, he likes to gesture from time to time while hes talking. He has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. I believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.







I am the famous lion king.

I have a pair of round yo big eyes, eyesight is also very good Oh! Able to see a radius of hundreds of miles of the place. My teeth are very sharp and you can tear the meat into a piece like a saw. I am with a golden hair, can be handsome. I have four strong thighs, running as fast as arrows. There is a small pony on a long tail, and the tail is like a lollipop.

We are carnivores, ferocious, and many animals are scared to see us fled.

Look, we are not the king of the forest!


I have a very good English teacher.My classmates and I all like her very much.She is very friendly to us.We all like to have English classes very much.

She is tall and beautiful.She looks like a middle school student.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black trousers.

Her name is Wang Yanjun.We often call her Miss Wang.She teaches English very well.In class ,she looks like our elder sister .She often helps us to solve problems.After class,she looks like our friend.We often play games together.

This is my English teacher.I love her and I love to study English,too.I believe my English will be better and better.






Recently, a girl who was born after the year of 2000 showing a picture of her pregant image in Weibo. This teenage girl wrote down the words that she was busying giving birth to a child for her so called husband, who was also a teenager. Soon this picture became the hot issue. People were so shocked by the girl’s young face, which looked so innocent and she was just no more than 16!Such a young girl surely did not have the ability to raise a kid, what’s more, they even did not figure out the meaning of responsibility. The problem of family education was brought to the public again. The root of young pregancy lies in the parents’ caring. The lack of communication between parents and chidren is easy to have such problem. It is not appropriate to have baby at such early age.

最近,一个出生在2000年后的女孩在微博展示了她怀孕的照片。这少女写下一些话,她忙着为所谓的丈夫生孩子,他丈夫也是一个少年。很快这张照片成为了热点。人们如此震惊于这位女孩稚嫩的脸,她看上去很天真,不超过16 岁!这样一个年轻的女孩肯定没有能力抚养孩子,更重要的是,他们甚至没有弄清楚责任的意义。家庭教育的问题再次被带到公众面前。如此年轻就怀孕的根源在于父母的关怀程度。父母和子女之间缺乏沟通很容易有这样的问题。如此小的年纪就有孩子是不合适的。





