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“Waste not,want not俭以防匮。”白色的樱花飘落给人一种纯洁和美丽的感受,优美的句子是精神之美是文化质量的重要体现。读起来可以让我们充满对于明天的希望。经过慎重考虑迷你日记网为你推荐了英语美文唯美短句,阅读之后你应该会获得一些新的知识!


1、The world is painful, without exception.

2、The way of life is to have both body and soul.

3、Those who always look for excuses for failure can't find the entrance to success.

4、If you don't break out in silence, you will perish in silence.


6、A candle lights others and consumes itself蜡烛照亮了别人,燃尽了自己。

7、An evil lesson is soon learned学坏容易。

8、I subverted the whole world just to straighten out your reflection.

9、Heart cold, just a moment, people cold, life.

10、Success belongs to the persevering胜利属于坚忍不拔的人。

11、An apple a day keeps the doctor away一天一个苹果,医生不来找我。

12、When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman)如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。(美国政治家 林肯. A.)

13、Actually,I have been so long starding behind you , lacking of your turning round 。

14、Being single doesn't mean that you don't know anything about love 单身,并不意味着你不懂爱情

15、I hope you can taste the years and be treated affectionately by time.

16、Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred Free your mind from worries Live simply Give more Expect less通往幸福的五条简单法则:释放心中憎恨;不要过分忧虑;活得随意点;付出多一些;期待少一点。

17、If the worst that can happen is someone saying, “no”, it’s worth a try 如果最糟糕的结果就是会被某人拒绝,那就值得一试

18、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing一知半解,害已误人。


20、Just because you succeeded in the past doesn't mean you will succeed in the future.

21、When I'm with you , hours feel like second 。 When we're apart days feel like years。


22、The beginning is beautiful, the process is tired, the ending is sad, and it is difficult to wake up.

23、看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder

24、A wrinkled place only means a smile has been there.

25、True love is not selfish, but should be altruistic.

26、The more stingy one is to time, the more generous time is to him.

27、A good wife makes a good husband有好妻子就有好丈夫。

28、Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her做事只要有耐心,到头总会有好运;耐心候好运,好运常会来。

29、The beauty of life lies not in its brilliance, but in its peace.

30、They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. 人们常说时间改变一切,但实际上还是得你自己去改变它们。

31、We have more drugs, but the health is worse;我们有了更多的药品,但健康状况却更不如意;

32、Poor in the street, no one asked, rich in the mountains have distant relatives.

33、Do you think I have no feelings because I am poor and plain?

34、Think about it...好好想想……

35、A book is like a garden carried in the pocket书是随时携带的花园。

36、There will always be someone who will make you feel that the world is worth it.

37、May the stars in your eyes be gentle and the best in the world.

38、We speak more, we love less, and we have more hatred;我们说的多了,爱的却少了,我们的仇恨也更多了;

39、Don't waste time explaining the truth to idiots and pestering the wise.

40、Others can help you for a while, but they can't help you for a lifetime.

41、Every story has an ending But in life, every ending is a new beginning——所有的故事,都有一个结局。但幸运的是,在生活中,每个结局都会变成一个新的开始。

42、If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet )冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, . P. B.)


43、We consume more, and enjoy less;我们消耗的更多,享受到的却更少;

44、If you are too fortunate,you will not know yourself; if you are too unfortunate,nobody will know you运气太好,见人不睬;运气太坏,无人理会。

45、Keep your eyes open and your feet moving forward. Youll find what you need. 保持眼界开阔和脚步向前,你就会找到你需要的一切。

46、If others are wrong, laugh it off and don't expose others.

47、If u don't like someone, might as well tell that person instead of lying to him/her everyday Truth may hurt, but lies hurt way more——如果你不喜欢一个人,最好告诉他/她真相,而不是用谎言欺骗,真相也许会伤人,但谎言会把人伤得更深。

48、The highest ideal of life is to achieve truth.

49、If you don't want me, you can say how frustrating it is to put it in your heart.

50、A body without knowledge is like a house without a foundation人无知犹如房屋无基。

51、When you think about it, all the ways come into being. It falsely refers to the nature of the mind and explains the way of change.

52、Do not think, so confused; Don't ask, so don't get; Don't ask, so I don't know.


54、There will inevitably be setbacks in life, but don't miss them.

55、A miss is as good as a mile失之毫厘,差之千里。


57、Life is easy, life is easy, life is not easy, no one is easy.

58、I can't find a way out in your eyes. I can't get away from my memories.

59、Emancipate urself from ur past The only way to move forward is to stop looking back! ? 把自己从过去解放出来,前进的唯一方法是别往后看。

60、The image of youth should be pure, enthusiastic and have the ability of correct criticism.

61、People only live once. In the final analysis, we are all novices.

62、From saving comes having富有来自节俭。

63、In life, there is wind and rain, but don't forget that there will also be sunshine.

64、Waste not,want not俭以防匮。





